Starting your Own Business is an essential toolkit for anyone with an idea they'd like to implement. It clearly outlines some of the most important areas to consider balanced, with a healthy pursuit of risk and reward.
Our key aim for this course is: To inspire you to offer sustainable competitive advantage in your startup
Competitive advantage is yourAÂ lasting ability to outperformA all competition who are offering a similar product or service to what you intend to/will offer. This is done by implementing value-added strategies, not simultaneously being implemented by any current competitor. Your value-added strategies could include:
Career Development
Starting your Own Business can be the most satisfying achievement on an individual's life as they see their ideas become reality. Starting your own business offers you the change to set your own salary!
I've just started the course, what a deal!
TEFL Fullcircle is one of a kind. Unique in structure. This is by far the most serious and comprehensive TEFL program you can ever come across. Course content is very practical and delivered in context. The examination is of standard which even includes written assignments and writing a complete and practical lesson plan. Assessment is intense and comes with in-depth feedback.